The Walls are Going Up

We are gaining momentum with the distillery.  Last Thursday the TTB requested additional information for our permit.  They wanted more detail on the layout of the interior and another drawing.    I submitted that on Monday and got a phone call yesterday.  I was told our application was going to be forwarded to final approval.  We could potentially have our operation permit in a couple of weeks.

Dave is putting up the walls for the tasting room and the grain loft. I order internet and phone service and should have that by Monday.  I bought a printer last night and will buy an iPad once we get the internet up and running.

Probably the most exciting part of the week is the finalization of our logo.  I posted 3 options on Facebook and got lots of good comments.  We took those comments to create the final logo.  I can’t wait to share it with everyone.  Once I get the distillery’s office fully functional, which should be next week, I will work on an official Bad Dog Distillery’s Facebook page.  And probably should figure out the Twitter thing too….

Dave and I wish all of you a fabulous weekend and thank your for reading Bad Dog’s blog.  Next week I’ll be adding pictures to it.


